Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Self in a Social World

L. I am but a mass of tanned skin, black-brown hair, intimidating eyes, relatively normal features, and limbs and extremities of regular length stuck onto a body of less than average height with a slight belly to match. I have never seen myself as physically fit, exactly, nor do I see myself as someone head-turning gorgeous like a lot of my friends are. There are a lot of things about me that I want to desperately change in a physical sense, because really, I am nothing above typical. Regular mood swings are a norm for me, hormonal imbalance or none, though I ant say I'm emotionally unstable.You might say I'm sensitive; I'm easily touched, easily ticked off, easily pleased, easily hurt. I tend to be intense and extreme with my emotions, and very vocal about it too. Without a venting outlet, my emotions may be easily displaced. My mood is often dangerous and difficult to control, like wildfire. Sometimes, I think of myself as a mirror; how I behave depends on the people I'm with. If h e's the shy type, I'm the shy type. If she's bubbly and talkative, then that's me as well. The only time this doesn't work is when the person I'm with is a loud and obnoxious ass.Normally when there are plenty of people I don't know, be it walking around the Magic complex or sitting in a classroom full of people I don't know, I'm very guarded and conscious of my actions, making me look cold and quiet sometimes. This stems from my intense fear of public embarrassment, I think. But once Vie settled in a little niche, especially with the people who are close to me, the loud, wild and sometimes shameless little monster inside of me comes out with a vengeance. He. I'm not exactly a socially-awkward person, nor am I totally socially-adept.I'm either mainstream nor hipster, trendsetter nor wallflower either. Truth is, I'm really just somewhere in between all that. And I like where I am. I'm not the type to be easily swayed by new trends, habits, practices and opinions, sans political opini ons because I am so pathetically apathetic on those matters. Only in recent years have I begun to be as friendly and cordial as I can to new people I meet. I often try to keep my mood and behavior in check when I'm with my friends as well, because even though they know about it, I don't want to show them the ugly side of me that I only how myself.Now, even if I didn't graduate as the class valedictorian and simply made it with a humble Honorable Mention medal, that hasn't stopped me from thinking of myself as fairly smart. I have intelligent parent's and relatives and I think that's influenced me plenty. I do read and write a lot. I pick up a lot of things from books and movies and my father to be able to do those well, so much that I was able to conquer my fear of public speaking. Although it doesn't apply all the time, I do pick up on things rather easily, making schoolwork lighter for me than most of my friends think so.Still, I don't think that highly of myself in this matter. I am not special, and again, nothing above typical. II. Physical: 1 . ) Physically fit 3. ) Attractive 4. ) Has dimples Emotional: 1 . ) Emotionally stable 2. ) Intense with her feelings 3. ) Short-tempered 4. ) Sensitive 5. ) Happy-go-lucky Behavioral: 1 Careful 2. ) Competitive 3. ) Energetic 4. ) Perfectionist Social: 1 Friendly 2. ) Sociable 3. ) May come off as intimidating and difficult to approach Cognitive: 1 . Above average 2. ) Intelligent 3. ) Witty 4. ) Competitive Ill.For the Physical aspect of the survey, to everything aside from the typical â€Å"average height, brown shoulder-length hair†, I say â€Å"WHAT? † I was honestly laughing at the number of people who responded with ‘physically fit' and ‘sexy, because not only is one of them awkward to read, I also don't find the other one true at all. I always berate myself for my thighs and my arms and my belly that seem to be growing a hundred miles per hour. The responses in the survey make me th ink one of two things: 1 . Maybe it's all in my head after all or 2. They're Just saying that because they don't want to make me feel bad. And to be honest, the second one seems a lot more plausible to me. Because, really, I can't see this body as ‘physically fit' at all. Other than that, almost everything else I read off the survey answers were pretty much things I'm aware of or I already knew about myself. It makes me think how transparent I really am of a person, even to people I haven't been friends with for over a year. This fact assures me somehow, and I seem to take it as a good thing.Since Vie always hated people who are fake and ‘plastic', two-faced people who only care about looking good in front of other people, it's good to know that people are seeing me as I really am, even the rough spots and the dark sides, and that I'm not one of those people I absolutely loathe. It's nice to know I haven't completely turned into the person I swore I'd never become. You'd probably expect me to say something like â€Å"This survey activity has opened my eyes and inspired me to change, etc. † but no, that's the exact opposite of what Vie realized.I realized that there's really nothing to change after all. I already like everything myself, my short-temperateness, my faux icy demeanor, and even my that. Lastly, I thank my friends who responded honestly to this survey. I got to see how other people saw me, something Vie always been curious about, and I learned, based on how fast I ran out of survey forms, how many people I actually consider as friends who also see me the same way. Also, based on the fact that I'm still friends with these people, I realized how much they've accepted me, despite all my shortcomings as a person and as a friend.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ethics Handbook Essay

We chose you as an employee of Company X because we see you as a valuable person who can contribute to the same priority. As a team member of Company X, are goals are clear. Through public respect, responsiveness, and accountability as our core values, we are able to remain leaders in the industry. The success of our company is dependent on you, our stakeholders, and our customers. We take great pride in our reputation in the industry and continually monitor ourselves for ways we can improve business for our clients, stakeholders, policymakers, and the general public, both local and national. Our reliability is measured through our commitment to delivering service with integrity and through honorable conduct. Because we are at the forefront of public service, we are judged on our choices and decisions. Our reputation is based on the public’s view of our commitment to ethical business practices and our respect for society. As an organization we aim to maintain active engagement in ethical behavior that promotes social responsibility in everyday practices. This is where you come in as an employee. We encourage all employees to actively participate in community outreach and events that foster both your own growth and the growth of social values. Company X will reward this activity if accompanied with ethical decision making by increasing promotion opportunities and/or allowing this experience to be counted in your job description. If you are interested in this opportunity, see Human Resources for a list of approved community outreach opportunities. Company X Values It is the policy of Company X to embrace ethical behavior through clear communication of the laws, rules and expectations that are defined in this code of ethics. In addition, Company X values accountability for good ethical choices and socially respected behavior. We rely on every member to evaluate their own behavior and conduct respectable business through solid every day decision making. Ethics are not fixed, and subject to interpretation through each and every interaction between everyone involved. Because value s and ethical decision making can be challenging, Company X wants to take some of the pressure off the complexities of making difficult ethical decisions. Therefore, this manual provides directives used to evaluate and interpret best practices in the business environment. In addition, these policies and all regulations including administrative actions, apply to all staff  members, contractors, and volunteers and are strictly enforced (see section Member Misconduct).The manual also contains fixed principles, mandatory training, resources for questionable situations, ethics mentor, anonymous hotline, and resources for situations that may be questionable. A signed copy of this manual will be placed in all member’s personnel file and will be used as reference for future use. Please be sure you understand these policies and procedures before you sign the document. We begin by outlining and defining the standards of social and ethical conduct. In addition to standards of behavior, training is outlined. Training is mandated to all staff employed by Company X. Additional training and resources are offered throughout the year in respon se to the changing needs of the industry and social issues and will be announced semi-annually. Principles of Behavior and Conduct No member, contractor or person acting as a representative shall: Discriminate against clients, coworkers, stakeholders, Accept monetary compensation, services in trade or benefit from any interaction directly or indirectly related to the services provided by company x if the value is determined to be at or above $30. Engage in, use or create an appearance of using official capacity to influence clients stakeholders, or other members for personal or professional gain. Knowingly make statements or take action that is untruthful or can be reasonably determined to be untruthful. Engage either directly or indirectly in political campaigns, nor engage in political conversation with anyone while acting in capacity of Company X business. Retaliate against any member who comes forward with claims of ethical violations. Retaliation is mandatory termination of employment without further warning (see section Member Misconduct). All members contractors, or persons acting as a representative shall: Report all incidents of violations to the Ethics Office. Interact and promote personal integrity, honesty, fairness and confidence in compliance with all laws, rules, policies and regulations both internally and externally. Maintain confidentiality in all interactions. Written, verbal, email, phone. Avoid inappropriate associations with clients or client representatives. Engage, actively encourage and support community involvement through support and reassurance in wrap-around service delivery. Utilize efficient use of resources in such a way that minimizes the impact to the environment (energy and materials). Report suspected, potential, or clear violation of ethical misconduct. All members in the chain of command are held to the same standards. Contractors, and any individual acting in a capacity to officially represent Company X are also required to carry out all actions with an intent to promote public trust, integrity, and confidence. From team members to corporate leaders, we expect the same set of principles through a set model of best practices. Best practices is recognized by asking yourself is this decision going to cause harm to someone, is this situation going to violate law or company policy, is my action going to violate stakeholder values, or compromise my position within my job role? Best practices will help us all to remove some of the risks we might face in everyday decision making by communicating set values, social responsibility and ethical standards for all members. Because best practices is subjective, training and resources will be available to provide leadership and mentoring. We encourage open discussion when personal values and ethi cs might cause conflict or confusion. As a condition of continued employment, mandatory ethics training is provided and monitored (see monitoring ethics section below). Ethics Training Leadership teams attend annual ethics training. Training includes skills to monitor and mentor lower staff. As a result, members can be confident that management is able to provide guidance and support for most ethical decisions. In order to communicate Company X’s policies, values, and changing trends in legal and social ethical issues formal training is required. Company X models this by providing training. As a result, all staff are required to complete the following formal training: In the first month of employment, all staff will go through instructor led training targeted toward individual and group acknowledgement of legal situations, ethical dilemmas, social responsibility and reporting requirements. This interactive training will present scenarios in which employees will make decisions whether ethical violations may or may not have occurred. Independent trainers with local management will evaluate answers and offer answers to difficult scenarios. All staff will take a yearly instructor led course on the history of civil rights and one follow up interactive on line course which presents current social, business and ethical issues in industry. General managers will receive value based ethics training  tailored from annual risk assessment data. The goal is for managers to set modeled behavior and create positive influence. Company X sponsors an annual Industry Standards Town Hall meeting. We value transparency and company input from all of us and our intentions are to provide all of us the opportunity to go over changing social issues, our previous year’s successes and failures, and what can we do to support the values of Company X, our clients, and community partners. Our company will be closed on this day while each of us enjoy a paid day to come and participate in this interactive get together. Member Misconduct Company X recognizes ethical conduct is not always easy to define. We value fairness and strive to provide impartial judgment based on facts and data. All reports of violations are reviewed and judged by an independent review board who will at determination of reported violations, determine consequences and refer cases for criminal prosecution if necessary. Consequences for violation of ethical misconduct will be strictly enforced. Company X has zero tolerance for unethical behavior. Informal and formal offenses will be forwarded to the Ethics Committee for record keeping purposes. Informal counsel for misconduct not related to any act of gross misconduct. This is the preferred method for first time offenses. Formal counsel is written report placed in member file for duration of one year. Two written reports within one year that are found to be validated through investigation will result either in unpaid suspension or immediate termination. Unpaid suspension. Gross negligence results in immediate termination and will be referred for criminal prosecution. Monitoring Auditing and Reporting Video monitoring in central locations where customer interactions will be supervised by an independent contractor. This is to protect you as an employee, protect customer interactions, and protect the interest of Company X. All computer and resource use by all employees is subject to monitoring and will be strictly enforced. IT managers have unlimited access to company owned property. Due to the potential time sensitive situations that may arise, no notice will be given prior to IT management accessing company computers. Team members personnel files will be maintained and include reported violations. These files will be analyzed for trends that can be traced back to departments, leaders, hiring practices, or substandard training. The Ethics Office, and Human Resources do not require your written consent for  release of information related to ethical violations. Semi-annual audits will be conducted on all departments within Company X by the Ethics A udit committee: Anonymous hotline reports will be compiled and reported to the Ethics Audit committee. Plan for Evaluating and Improving the Ethics Program After Implementation. The final results of all data compiled by the Ethics Office will be submitted to Corporate Leadership Committee who will analyze the results in order to evaluate potential changes to Company X’s ethical inventory. Data will also be collected from hotline calls, imposed ethical violations, and employee suggestions. This data will be measured against all complaints, judgments, and lawsuits both within Company X and the industry and be used to revise program standards. Data will also be analyzed and evaluated for ethical issues that need to be integrated in to future training and resources for staff. All staff will complete annual on line â€Å"How Are We Doing?† surveys. Focus groups tailored to each department’s group dynamic will analyze the data and make formal recommendations to the Ethics Office Staff, community and stakeholder input will be collected and analyzed for social and ethical value. The Ethics Office will compile the results from all departments and present the evidence to CEOs and senior management. Middle management and supervisors will be included in the final findings. Training will be adjusted and targeted to cultural, legal, and ethical risk factors. Positive yearly ethical performance evaluations, focus group opportunities, and promotional opportunities will be tied to annual employee review. Help and Resources Here at Company X we recognize that some ethical situations may be complex or blurred. Additionally, we recognize that the difficult decision to come forward with information against coworkers may prevent reporting incidents that need investigation. Furthermore, ethical decisions are often confusing and require complex decision making. We are here to help. Furthermore, if you have questions about your own decisions, questions about an incident, or just want to ask questions, we want to support you. For this reason, we provide an anonymous phone line that allows members to report violations, present questions and trouble shoot challenging scenarios. Ethics Office 360-555-1212 staffed by trained ethics officer. Anonymous hotline 360-555-4242 State Office of Ethics 1-999-555-2323 Federal Office of Ethics  1-777-555-7878 We provide annual reports of imposed ethics violations and the penalties imposed. Here is the link to www.companyx/ethics/ I have read and understand the policies and ethical standards set for Company X. I am aware a signed copy of this policy will be placed in my team member personnel file.

Monday, July 29, 2019

TBD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

TBD - Essay Example Contrarily, the US Constitution is a document that represents the rule of law in relation to how the government is expected to perform duties with regard to American citizens.  Primarily, the US Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America. The Constitution was written and documented in the year 1787, a few years after the DOI was made (The Constitution of the United States). It should be noted that unlike the DOI, the Constitution was written under a convention of all the states. The convention was tasked with making changes to the old system of governance. Despite the fact that both documents contain significant information about America, they also vary in some specific aspects. This paper will discuss about the context within which both documents were established, the goals and intended audience of each document; and the style, structure and tone of each document. The DOI was majorly written to express the dismay and convictions of American citizens under the British rule. Written in unforgiving and exalted phrases, the DOI was based in the context that American citizens were accusing the King of Britain of ignoring the law and abusing his authority and power (The Declaration of Independence). Specifically, it was thought that the King had a profound disregard for the best interest of citizens living in the 13 colonies. Besides, it should be noted that signatures contained in the DOI are from the 13 colonies (The Declaration of Independence). Moreover, the DOI was drafted by a single person, Thomas Jefferson. Contrastingly, the US Constitution was written on totally different grounds. A convention was called in order to recommend changes in the old system of US governance (The Constitution of the United States). It was during the 1787 convention, with attendance from all the states, that the Constitution was drafted. Upon approval from all the states, the US Constitution came into operation in 1789. Notably, the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

VAGINAL BIRTH AFTER CESAREAN SECTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

VAGINAL BIRTH AFTER CESAREAN SECTION - Essay Example This topic helps people to practice obstetrics and gynecology under in the delivery with urinal incontinence and interchange of urinary incontinence over the first tear postpartum so as to protect and improve the health of females’ productive organs and avoid complications during pregnancy period. It provides training to all females to guide themselves during giving birth. This topic deals with training that is required, as an obstetrician and gynecologist, to practice medicine extensively. The both trainings combined; prepare the practice of OB/GYN to be adept at the management of surgery entire scope of clinical pathology that involves reproductive organs of female and care for pregnant and non-pregnant patients (Kwee et al, 2004). â€Å"Association of mode of delivery with urinary incontinence and changes in urinary incontinence (UI) over the first tear postpartum† is a topic based under obstetrics and gynecology. Fear of urinal incontinence is a common reason for maternal demand for cesarean delivery. The strength of pelvic floor muscle goes back to ante partum value 6–10 weeks after delivery in many women. However, urinary incontinence symptoms appear after delivery does not resolve in the long term in few women. Various studies have concluded that the prevalence of UI changed or did not change within 6 months or 1 year postpartum. A higher prevalence of urinary incontinence has been seen in women who underwent virginal delivery over those who underwent cesarean delivery (Iams, 2009). In contrast, a study done recently found that vaginal delivery was not completely associated with postpartum urinary incontinence. Bearing a child is a risk factor for urinary incontinence among middle-aged and young women. Suggestions have shown that vaginal delivery is the main contributing factor, because of important muscle damage nerves or tissue. Although pregnancy itself can cause mechanical changes, hormonal changes, or

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Corporations can never be moral entities Assignment

Corporations can never be moral entities - Assignment Example Other than this, the interest of the shareholders and stakeholders also need to be followed so as to improve the reputation and brand image of the organization in a market among others (Parker & Pearson, 2005). Not only this, if the business operations are maintained and controlled in an ethical way, only then its rate of sustainability might increase in the market. Side by side, its range of customers might increase thereby improving its profit margin and revenue as well. Thus, it might be stated that CSR is the procedure of continuous commitment over the issues of the organization, so as to improve the quality of life of the employees as well as the economic condition of the association. Only then, the level of conflict among the management and employees might get reduced resulting in improvement of the level of performance of the employees (Howell, 2010). The prime theme of this essay is to describe a brief understanding over the concept of corporate responsibility. It also focuse s on the fact that for what reasons an organization might never become a moral entity with the help of varied ethical theories in a vivid way. Discussion Meaning of Business Ethics Ethics is described as the set of rules and regulations, values and principles followed by an individual. These rules and regulations also help a human being to determine, whether the action is right or wrong. Other than this, ethics is also defined as the activities that might be accepted by the law as well as the other citizens of a country. Not only this, ethics is also recognised as the morals and beliefs that might be used to detect or interpret any specific situation (Wilkinson & Gollan, 2001). And when such types of legal behaviour or principles are utilized within organizational activities, then it is also known as business ethics. Business ethics play a vital role in maintaining the operations of an organization in an effective or positive way. Only then, the profit margin as well as the loyalty of the stakeholders or customers might get enhanced to a considerable extent in the entire market among others. However, in maximum cases, the corporations or organization fail to operate or maintain its functions in an ethical way. It is mainly due to faulty principles, rules and regulations and operations that reduce its chances to become a moral entity (Crane & Matten, 2007). Theories of Ethics There are many theories of ethics present but some of them might be described as below: Theory of Deontology According to this theory, the most vital aspect of human being is moral rules and regulations, which are unbreakable in nature. This theory states that, some of the individual do not think of the nature of the consequence, at the time of performing the activity. Although, the consequence of the activity may not be accurate, the individual would strict to his or her morals and values (Carroll, 2004). As a result, he or she would perform the accurate action, without thinking of the co nsequence. Such type of morals is extremely essential within the managers or leaders of the organizations operating in recent age.

Friday, July 26, 2019

English class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

English class - Essay Example Thus, the article finds that a general apprehension exists that video games cause violent behavior in children. However, the article challenges this contention as it does not seem tenable, though it concedes to the notion that to a certain extent, video games may impact children’s behavior. The article focuses on the premise that video games contain a lot of violence, bloodshed, objectification of females and sexual content. However, it emphasizes a more significant concern that viewing experience in the media, in terms of audio visual components, are â€Å"extraordinarily life like, and these effects can be particularly striking in violent games† (Video Games and Violence 1). It also concedes to the fact that despite the existence of rating systems by the ESRB, children disregard the classification and even those below 13 years watch the content that is permissible to those in the age group of 17. The article also refers to research studies that â€Å"lend credence to concerns about the impact of violent video games† (Video Games and Violence 3). However, this does not prove that games such as GTA cause violent behavior in children. The article, further, challenges this concept by arguing that there is â€Å"little or no evidence to support any of these theories† which purport that violence in the video games such as GTA can provoke violent behavior in children (Video Games and Violence 2). I believe that exposure to violent media or video games alone cannot make children to indulge in violent behavior. My research premise is based on the concept that many factors such as genetic framework, social circumstances, psychological reasons etc cause violent behaviors in humans. Therefore, children who possess any such specific traits or who remain exposed to any of the causative elements, stand the chance of displaying violent behavior. I do not agree with the evidence based on a study among 1254 students, which indicates that violent games cause aggression in

Physical Security risk Assessment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Physical Security risk Assessment - Coursework Example se, the lives and safety of people is always at stake especially in social and recreational places like in stadiums, shopping malls, and other places associated with big crowds of people. Terrorist threats are real and thus security with regard to the mentioned places should and must be upheld at all costs. In many occasions high resistance materials with capacity to resist bullets and other explosives have been used to firmly safeguard important build structures. Further, roads and streets leading to and from these building are barricaded to ensure channeled and controlled entry (National Institute of Building Sciences, 2012). This section is dedicated to discussing the hardening requirements for the BC Place Stadium during the Olympic Games. Building a perimeter wall around the BC Place Stadium is the first and foremost physical security measure that stadia physical security management board should put in place. The distance from this perimeter wall to the stadia should at least be 200 meters; this, in its own right is hardening enough to resist a blast. Accordingly, the perimeter wall should be built using high resistance materials and thickened to make it hard if not impossible for intrusion and breaking in. In the same line of argument, building a perimeter wall will ensure that unauthorized and malicious vehicles with ill intention do not have any easy access to the stadium. The wall should also have cement or steel barriers to resist attacks from heavy trucks that might be loaded with explosives. This is also essential for forced entry resistance (National Institute of Building Sciences, 2012). Putting up barriers particularly at the convergence points is another measure that must be taken into consideration; although it is costly but it is vital for the safety of the masses that would come to the stadium. Setting up a low barrier slightly away from the stadia will provide adequate security while also not intruding on the visitor’s privacy. For

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategic Analysis of the Body Shop International Research Paper

Strategic Analysis of the Body Shop International - Research Paper Example Based on the strategic internal analysis of the resources, capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses of the company and the analysis of the industry and global environments, it is reported that despite the highly competitive nature of the industry the company's performance can be stated to be more than satisfactory. Strategically the company would do well with the continuance of its own store design format and with the reduction of the dependence on the franchising mode of expansion. 1.0 Introduction While 'business strategy' represent the goal of the company to attain sustainable competitive advantage in one of the businesses of the company, 'corporate strategy' represents the objective of the company to manage multi-business activities to create corporate-wide advantage that will benefit each of the business the company owns and operates. The corporate strategy looks into the opportunities available to the company both internally and externally to enhance its competitive strengths and sustain its sales growth and profitability. A strategic analysis of any company thus includes assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the company on the basis of the internal environment as well as threats and opportunities that the company is subjected to because of its relative positioning in the market and the industry. This report on the Body Shop International Plc reports on the efforts of the company to enhance and to sustain its competitive advantages. 1.1 Global Cosmetic Industry - A Background The cosmetics and Toiletries Industry has registered an all round growth of 5 percent during the year 2006 as against the growth in the year 2005. This growth is the overall highest growth rate of... The cosmetics and Toiletries Industry has registered an all round growth of 5 percent during the year 2006 as against the growth in the year 2005. This growth is the overall highest growth rate of the industry since the year 2001. The growth of the industry is facilitated by the presence of strong macro economic factors signifying a worldwide increase in the consumer spending power. With the highest growth rate of 13 percent, Eastern Europe, and Latin America were the fastest growing regional markets. Western Europe accounts for less than 30 percent of the total market with a sales growth of just 3 percent in the year 2006. The sales in the North American region which include the United States Market were above $ 50 billion. The Asia Pacific region also has the characters of a key market with the potential linked to factors like large population, enhanced disposable income, modernized retail and distribution networks and increased consumer awareness – thanks to globalization. On the regional levels, Russia represented the largest market with a sale of $ 8.5 billion accounting for about 40 percent of the regional sales value. In the analysis of products, skin care products with the sales value of $ 60.1 billion in the year 2006 are the largest segment of all cosmetic and toiletries items which also is the fastest growing product of the industry. The market generally uses the distribution channels like supermarkets/hypermarkets, specialist stores, pharmacies and departmental stores.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Nike Research Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nike Research Plan - Essay Example However, the USA population that purchases apparels at Target stores might be too big to be recruited to the research study. Therefore, a sample population that is largely representative of the entire USA population purchasing apparels at Targets will be adopted. Nike suffered a great deal in sales and popularity decline, after the Tiger Woods personal scandal that saw the whole of the golf industry lose in sales and profits. There is no doubt therefore, that a need to improve both the image and financial performance of Nikes golf apparel exist. Thus, the research project has defined the research question as; â€Å"Could Nike’s diminished popularity within the golf community increase by introducing an exclusive line of low-cost apparel to be sold at Targets all over the United States?† The sampling method to be applied in this research study is the cluster sampling technique. Cluster sampling technique is the most appropriate for this research study. This is because; the study seeks to establish the population of customers who purchase apparels at Target stores in the USA, Thus making the group of customers at each Target store an already clustered population. The choice of cluster sampling as the method sampling technique is informed by the fact that the entire population that purchases apparels at Targets is unknown, while its characteristics of are also unclear. Further, the suitability of cluster sampling technique for this study is also informed by the fact that the sample clusters targeted by this study are geographically convenient (Ahmed, 2009). This research study targets to collect data from the population that purchases apparels at Targets, which then means that such clusters are conveniently clustered at the different geographical Target store location s.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Information Technology Sub-sector Analysis Essay

Information Technology Sub-sector Analysis - Essay Example Porters four analysis gives two dimensions that define the strategies. One is the competitive advantage source, and two is the scope of the advantage. The first one comprises of product differentiation or low-cost approach. The second one consists of narrow or broad approach. When crossed the dimensions gives the porters four business strategies. To win competitive advantage, the IT organization should apply cost focus in a small group of the target section. A Cost Focus strategy usually emerges as a competitive move, at times to challenge a certain competitor. A smaller IT firm can as well gain entry to a market by competing on cost within a particular niche. Competition in the mobile application industry has lead to the rise in a totally new product called smartphones that have greater functionality as compared to normal mobile phones due to their capability of running mobile apps. The cost of these smartphones is not over exaggerated to discourage the customers from buying them. The IT organizations maintain lesser cost across different product offerings. An analysis of competitors cost should be carried out prior to setting products costs. For instance, by 2010, the mobile apps industry was highly flooded as new competitors got into the market saturating it with several varieties of utilitarian and lifestyle apps (Tarnacha & Maitland, 2006). In most instances, apps are designed by third-party developers like companies that wish to advertize their products, or by freelance designers who trade their apps at a profit. The major operating systems, Android and Apple, each have an equivalent dedicated marketplace due to its subsidized costs. Limiting Apple policies with regards to app development in the preliminary stage have had a verifiable effect on the iOS apps market. A larger percentage of all mobile app developers have a preference for developing apps for the Android operating system whereas a smaller percentage prefer to do so for Apple’s iOS

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Book Thief Essay Example for Free

The Book Thief Essay One of the main themes of the Book Thief is how the use of words, for good or for evil, can change everything. His choice to use Death as a narrator was a great idea, as Death watches, and can describe from many points of view what he sees, and his use of words is very powerful. Markus Zusak uses metaphors and some personification to paint a picture of Nazi Germany. With his powerful descriptions, the setting is easy to visualize. As an example, on p. 7, Death describes Himmel street as â€Å"buildings appear to be glued together, mostly small houses and apartment blocks that look nervous. There is murky snow spread out like carpet. There is concrete, empty hat-stand trees, and gray air†. With this description, the reader can infer that Himmel streets buildings are crowded in together, the trees are bare and leafless, and that the day is cold and gray. Using imagery, Markus Zusak has created a clear picture of Nazi Germany. Words can be used in good ways, to bring peace and happiness to peoples hearts, if they are spoken correctly. Markus Zusak conveys this idea throughout the book, with the little stories Max writes for Liesel, and the weather reports Liesel gives to Max every day. Markus Zusak even shows how books, or rather the words in them, can make a person feel happy or upset. On p. 134, Markus Zusak describes Liesels love for books with â€Å"There were all different styles and sizes of lettering on the spines of the black, the red, the gray, the every-colored books. It was one of the most beautiful things Liesel Meminger had ever seen. Markus Zusak also conveys how words can be used for good, when Liesel is describing the weather to Max. Her words cheer him up. On p. 249, Liesel says, â€Å"The sky is blue today, Max, and there is a big long cloud, and its stretched out, like a rope. At the end of it, the sun is like a yellow hole. † Weather reports such as these throughout the story often make Max happy, even in his situation. Markus Zusak also stresses the idea that words can be used for evil. In the book, Max writes a story, â€Å"the Word Shaker† beginning on p. 445. An excerpt from this story is, â€Å"Hed seen a mother walking with her child. At one point, she admonished the small boy, until finally, he began to cry. Within a few minutes, she spoke very softly to him, after which he was soothed and even smiled. The young man rushed to the woman and embraced her. Words! He grinned. † The Fuhrer has decided that he will rule the world, using the power of words to fulfill his evil desires. Through the use of metaphors, imagery, and symbolism, Markus Zusak shows the power of words, and how they affect individuals, and even the whole world.

Advantage And Disadvantages Of Fixed Wing Versus Rotor Wing Engineering Essay

Advantage And Disadvantages Of Fixed Wing Versus Rotor Wing Engineering Essay Since 1919, law enforcement agencies have used fixed wing and rotor wing aircrafts to assist in enforcing the law. In 2007, data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics showed that large law enforcement departments provided aerial enforcement in the District of Columbia and 46 states. There were 295 airplanes and 604 helicopters being operated, which flew more than 330,000 missions. The types of airplane that are used by law enforcement are Cessna 182, Cessna 206, Pilatus PC-12 Spectres, P-3 Orions, Citations, Learjets, Gulfstream jets, King Air 350s and 200s and some larger airliner-type aircraft. Some of the helicopters used are the American Euro-copter EC120/130/145, AStar AS350/355N/350 B2, Dolphin HH-65C, Blackhawk UH-60, Maverick, Raven II R44, Cayuse OH-6 and McDonnell Douglas MD 600. The types of missions these aircrafts conduct are surveillance, drug interdiction, fugitive searches, routine patrol or support, search and res cue, personnel transport, prisoner transport, SWAT operation, traffic enforcement, speed enforcement, homeland security, photographic, medical support and evacuation. Both types of aircrafts have their advantages and disadvantages in airborne law enforcement. The advantages that a helicopter has over an airplane are that they can land and take off without the need for run ways. Their airfoil shape rotors are like the wings of an airplane, as the rotor spins, air flow faster over the tops of the blades than it does under, thus creating lift for flight. Their unique rotor design allows for them to takeoff vertically, fly in any direction including sideways, backwards and hover over an area. Their ability to hover provides coverage for the ground units on the street and if needed land to assist in foot pursuits. They can be equipped with a winch for the purpose of lowering or picking up personnel or equipments on the ground, at sea or on mountains during a search and rescue mission, where there is no place to land . They are better able to maneuver around tall structures at lower altitudes. man On 14 November 2008, San Diego Police Department ABLE helicopter used the FLIR camera to catch a man facing murder charges for beating another with a crutch in the middle of the street. On 30, January 3013 the NYPD police helicopter rescues a shipà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s captain who was having a heart attack. A dramatic nighttime helicopter rescue in New Yeark Harbor may have saved the life of a shipà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s captain. Police say they received a call Tuesday night that the captain of the Panamanian cargo ship Grey Shark was having a heart attack. The NYPD harbor medical team stabilized the 60 year old captain before calling the help of a police helicopter. A basket was lowered to hoist him up into the chopper, which then flew him to Staten Island University Hospital North. He was listed in stable condition. The helicopters are force multipliers for ground units, because they can monitor the tactical environment, give alerts or observe things which the ground units are unable to detect. Additionally, they can respond and cover ground more quickly than ground units. The flight deck of a helicopter can be equipped with multiple electronic equipments. Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) also know as glass cockpit that provides flight and system information to the crew, Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) camera allows the crew to see images created from infrared energy, moving map system show their location, satellite phones provide direct communication, dig ital video downlink gives real time images, night vision goggles can be used in low light situation if needed, loudspeakers for communication or message deliver to the ground, tear gas dispensers, police and aviation radios . Disadvantages helicopters are that they cost more to operate and maintain. A fully equipped helicopter can cost from $500,000 to $3 million and the flying costs ranges from $200 to $400 per hour. Maintenance, fuel, leasing and financing cost are three times then the cost to operate and maintain airplanes. Due to its abilities to fly lower and hover over areas it creates lots of noise and is easily detectable. The capacities of passengers that a helicopter can carry are limited. The Robinson RA-44 can carry 2 to 4 personnel and others like the Blackhawk UH-60 can carry 11 personnel or the Bell UH-1 that can be configured to carry 15 personnel. The general commercial helicopters used by t he law enforcement agencies have a flight time of two to four hours, with top speed from 50 to 200 knots and an average range of about 200 miles. The operations of fixed wing aircraft have some advantages over rotor wing aircrafts in law enforcement. They can perform a wide range of missions which requires them to stay airborne longer then a rotor wing aircraft is able to. Fix wing aircraft can carry more payloads and engine performances are great then those of rotor wing aircrafts. Aero surveillance, homeland security, speed enforcement and transport of people or gear are mostly the missions performed. They are equipped with a variety of high tech equipments just as their rotor wing counterparts. The cabins are pressurized and allow for higher altitude flights. They can perform surveillance 5,000 ft to 6,000 ft and not be undetected. The average costs to maintain and operate a fixed wing aircraft per flight is about $54 for maintenance and $45 for fuel compared to a rotor wing aircraft. The Custom Border Patrolà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s P-3 AEW Orion airplane has a large fuel capacity of 60,000 lbs; flight time up to 10 to 13 hours, maximum range at low altitude is 2,500 NM and at high altitude 3,800 NM. Average cruising speed is 300 to 330 knots. It can carry a crew of 12 to 21 personnel. Normal crew consists of four systems operators, three pilots, two flight engineers and three maintenance crew members. This aircraft is integration with the E-2 Hawkeye aircraft radar system, which allows for it to see 200 NM in all directions. They coordinate and direct Navy and Coast Guard ship and aircrafts to the location of drug smuggling boats or planes. Primary mission are interdiction, over water operations, surveillance and homeland security. The use of this aircraft between the Jacksonville, Florida and the Texas office have contributed to the cap ture and seizure of 50 metric tons of drugs worth a roughly about 2 Billion dollars. Fixed wing light sport aircraft generally cost between $60,000 and $130,000 to purchase and $50 per hour to fuel and maintain. They can fly at wide range of speeds of 35 to 125 knots making them an excellent platform for performing a broad range of law enforcement missions. It can carry up to 500 lbs and travel twice as far as a helicopter could. The disadvantages of fix winged aircrafts are they require a runway to take off and land, assembling of the flight crew, delay on taking off due to congestion at airport, unable to see the other side of the aircraft. They cannot monitor the tactical environment very well and or unable to alerts or observe things which the ground units are unable to detect. Unable to land and assist with foot pursuits, canà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t hover, t he aircraft is not equipped with rescue winch.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Labor Market For University Graduates Economics Essay

Labor Market For University Graduates Economics Essay For quite some time, Egypt has suffered chronic unemployment with the unemployment rates hovering during the past decade well above 9 percent. Like several other developing countries, the unemployment problem in Egypt is prevalent among university graduates. In 2008, almost 17 percent of Egypts labor force had a university degree. University graduates, however, represented approximately one third of the unemployed labor versus 2% of illiterates (CAPMAS 2008). The noticeably high unemployment rates among university graduates represent a heavy drain on the countrys scarce human and financial resources. Those distortions in the graduates labor market in terms of skills needed by employers and those offered by workers are mainly the outcome of prolonged policies that failed to promote economic growth and increase employment. Although, Egypt took a concrete steps and adopted active labor market policies towards the youth, the mismatch problem still exists. Gobbi (2005) diagnosed this phenomenon as follows: the existence of poor data on the labor demand needs, it is difficult to cope with dynamics of the labor market, only 5% received guidance from the authority to training centers and finally the low quality of the training due to lack of funds, shortage of competent trainers, scarcity of modern equipment and innovative methods, and insufficient course duration. Those distortions highlights the need to understand the status and imbalances in the university graduates labor markets and identify appropriate strategies to reduce unemployment and improve the well being and opportunities of the university graduates. Although individual welfare in Egypt is correlated with university graduation,[1] the labor markets for university graduates has not been sufficiently efficient. The inefficiencies are an outcome of the particular structure and features of those markets on both the demand and suplly sides. There is an extensive body of research literature that examines the main features of the labor markets for university graduates in Egypt. The research suggests that the field of study— classified according to academic department—has a significant effect on the labor market for the university graduates. For instance, it is likely that the medical school, pharmacy and engineering graduates may—on average—achieve better labor market outcomes in comparison with the holders of Bachelor of Arts degrees. Moreover, the nature of the university ownership (public, private or foreign) may affect its graduates labor market opportunities and expected lifetime incomes. Further, there is an increasing tendency towards recruiting graduates from foreign universities/sections. Hence, graduates from Arabic sections in commerce and law —for example— dont have the opportunity to penetrate the labor market. The same applies to faculties that do not generate the re quired skilled labor for the society like humanities and agriculture (OECD and IBRD-The World Bank 2010). Gender-specific differences—particularly on the demand side—have been observed to influence the labor market decisions and potentials for the university graduates leading to unequivocal male dominance. This is manifested by the staggering 71 percent representation of males in the total number of employed university graduates. Other personal, demographic, spatial and household characteristics influence the graduates labor market decisions importantly, marital status and location of residence. According to the 1998 and 2006 Egyptian Labor Market Surveys, unmarried women experienced faster transition from university-to-work vis-à  -vis married women. Alternatively, university graduates in urban areas represent almost 70 percent of the total number of employed university graduates owing to the low number of job opportunities suitable for their skills in the rural region. The rural university graduates access to employment and wage potentials is further curtailed by the hig h economic costs of migration across the rural urban divide generally because of the higher costs of urban reallocation. The above characteristics imply that the university graduates labor markets in Egypt are highly segmented. They are also influenced by non-competitive forces, which act as barriers to equitable access to employment opportunities and to fair wage compensations. Hence, personal, clan- and family-based connections and networks, communal norms and opportunistic rent-seeking behavior can pay for having a good job and raise the probability of accessing the labor market. As in many developing countries, there is a mismatch between Egyptian university graduates labor market realities and its institutions. Moreover, Employment Guarantee Scheme established in the 1960s lead to lowering the quality of education at all levels, and the growing number of graduates led to queuing for government jobs (Birdsall and OConnell 1999). Examining the characteristics of informal workers in 1998 and 2006 marked the increase in the share of youth (20-29 years old) among informal workers. Moreover, the share of university graduates has increased slightly over this period suggesting that more university graduates are informally employed in 2006 than in 1998 (Wahba 2009). Based on what shown above the Egyptian educational expansion is not translated into higher productivity and income for graduates, instead it induces diminishing returns. The reasons behind that are the shortage of Egypts education policy to efficient-enhancing discipline necessary for enhancing the graduated workers competitiveness in the export market, and the labor market regime and regulations that leads to an increase in the cost of labor and rigidities in the labor market (Birdsall and OConnell 1999). Therefore, it is of paramount interest that all players in the graduates labor market- the government, the university system administrators, employers and graduates themselves- must endeavor to put an end to this vicious circle. The main object of this research is to analyze the structure of the labor market for university graduates in Egypt and suggest pragmatic strategies to increase its efficiency. Because of the statistical deficiencies of the labor market data in Egypt, the proposed research will be based on a new stylized dataset for the supply and demand for university graduates. The remainder of this proposal is divided as follows. II. Objective The proposed research aims at informing the Egyptian decision makers in addressing fundamental policy issues concerning the supply and demand of university graduates and their movements in the labor markets. Consequently, the analysis should be able to improve the decision makers understanding of the different factors driving unemployment not only among university graduates but also in the overall economy via studying the processes and market and non-market institutions involved in the flow of university graduates in and out of establishments, university graduates (mis)match with jobs and the distribution of university graduates across sectors. Importantly, the study will consider the determination of the wage structure and the relationship of vacancies and unemployment cross different sectors and year of graduation. Specifically, the research will cover the following main issues. 1. Analysis of the structure of the Egyptian university graduates labor markets. This includes an overview of the relative wage/earnings structure (including all types of benefits) and the sources of wage inequality by type of employment, job, gender, enterprise, demographic characteristics, region, etc. The study will aim at examining the university graduates labor supply and demand sides. Hence, the study shall explore the different dimensions of the incentives that graduates have—including the various factors that affect their reservation wages—to provide labor services and to offer a specific number of hours of work per week and per year. The study shall differentiate between the incentives facing men and women separately, which determine the observed choices for the uses of time including the role of wages and job characteristics (stability, private/government, etc.), years of experience, family status, wage differentials by sex, informality, paid/nonpaid jobs, fam ily/personal income, type of enterprise, marital status and other households, community environment, firms and sectoral characteristics. 2. The main object of study shall aim at providing a detailed taxonomy of the structure of the demand for Egyptian university graduates. The study will generally aim at identifying the incentives of different firms and enterprises to hire graduates and the factors that influence job openings hires. In addition, different elasticities shall be estimated to evaluate the firms years of experience/skill graduates demand mix considering the prevailing relative wage, costs of production and market and non market institutional arrangements. Particular emphasis will be given to government and public sector demand for graduates that is influenced by both socioeconomic and political considerations. Finally, the study shall evaluate whether too much education is being produced relative to the needs of the different employers and whether there is a mismatch between the job characteristics and the graduates qualifications. 3. The study will examine the effect and role that grades have to play in the Egyptian university graduates labor market by type and spatial allocation of university and by type of employment private/public/government, formal/informal, temporary/tenured/seasonal, etc. The study shall consider the effect of grades on job and career prospects when entering the labor market. It will also examine whether or not these effects are transitory and whether they change (positively/negatively) over time. The study, therefore, shall test and analyze the relation between grades and annual wages—per formal and per actual hours of work—at different time intervals (years) after graduation to capture the age impact of the university graduates final grades. 4. The study shall examine the effect of minimum wage on the number of hours worked and on the structure of the wage distribution across sectors in Egypt focusing on university graduates. The study will determine the discrepancies in the length of the period needed for the youngest inexperienced vs. the older workers to decide exiting the minimum wage and identify graduates who would be most probably affected. The study shall extend the employment and wage effects of adopting the minimum wage policy on both the formal and informal sectors. This should provide the decision makers with guidelines for the design of an appropriate minimum wage policy that takes into consideration the profile of minimum wage employees and their productivity. 5. The study aims at measuring the intergenerational economic and social mobility among university graduates in Egypt by measuring the degree to which the graduates circumstances at birth, family background and ties with and membership in different communities can affect their employment and wage level. In addition, the study will probe into how status in the social hierarchy system changes throughout the course of the graduates career based on their own effort. The findings of the study will be employed to analyze the linkages between key socioeconomic variables including education attainment, persons skill and quality of performance, wage rate, job security and stability and equitable access to opportunities. Differences in opportunities—owing to the individuals own rank within the family/community, place of residence e.g., urban/rural, upper/lower and other relevant socioeconomic and demographic characteristics—will be identified. 6. Policy evaluation—based on the findings derived from the studies 1-5—to formulate policy informative guiding principles and design doable strategies for reducing unemployment and incidence of joblessness among Egyptian university graduates, increasing their earning potentials and employment opportunities and promising them better access to the labor markets both at the present time and in the future. The strategies shall be cast within an amenable format that can be easily implemented by the decision makers. III. Data Sources Graduate survey Survey on the labor market outcomes of graduates from the higher education system in Egypt, data will be collected through a multistage stratified random sample. The strata are all the academic departments and the graduation year. There will be an oversampling for the private schools to deal with their absent in the past. The questionnaire will study some demographic characteristics ,the job situation of graduates, type of the job and duties characteristics, educational requirements for the job, the match between their studies and their graduate job (education-job match), past jobs (jobs history). They were also asked whether they had taken any postgraduate studies or any training programs (training purpose, type of training and the corresponding cost), and if they had any experience with mobility. To study the effect and role that grades have to play in the Egyptian university graduates labor market, the questionnaire should have question about the cumulative grade that the graduate got on the final year of school. For some cases, when the GPA will be available, the graduate score will be converted to have the same grade system. Specific section with detailed questions for graduates who were unemployed and some other questions about the communities surround the graduates. This survey will be conducte d quarterly to capture the seasonality effect. Establishment survey The survey sample should represent all establishments in all economy sectors. Multistage stratified sample will be conducted. Some establishment characteristics will be taken into consideration such as the geographic region, public or private establishment and establishment size. Some specific sub surveys could be conducted: informal survey and micro-survey for enterprise that has less than 5 employees. The questionnaire will study all things that encourage different establishments to hire graduates, all the socioeconomic and political considerations that are related to hiring new employees. Some establishments require special training programs, so there will be some questions about the purpose of the training program, the cost, and the places that provide such training. It is important also to ask about the factors that influence new job openings. There will be also questions about the annual wages, working days, formal and actual working hours, cost of production and full- and part-time workers who are paid a wage or salary and some other questions about the communities surround the establishments. The survey will be conducted at the end of the fiscal year. To test the design and check its feasibility, a pilot study will be conducted for each of the two surveys. IV. Expected Budget Level Estimate US $ Overall Project Costs Human Resources Lead Economist Economic Expert(S) Statistics Expert(s) Economic Researchers Statisticians Conducting the survey Software and Equipments Workshops and Eeminars Bibliography Amer, M. 2007.Transition from Education to Work. Egypt Country Report. European Training Foundation (ETF) Working document. Birdsall, Nancy and Lesley OConnell. 1999. Putting Education to Work in Egypt. Central Agency for Public Mobilization And Statistics (CAPMAS). 2008. Labor force Sample Survey. Chen, M.and J. Vanek. 2005. Informal employment: rethinking workforce development. In Good Jobs, Bad Jobs, No Jobs Labor Markets and Informal Work in Egypt, El Salvador, India, Russia, and South Africa. Ed. By Avirgan, T., L. Josh Bivens and Sarah Gammage. Global Policy Network. Economic Policy Institute. El Zannaty and Associates. 2007. School-to-work Transition: Evidence from Egypt. Employment Policy Papers; 2007/2. Employment Policy Department, ILO. El-Haddad, A. 2009. Labor Market Gender Discrimination under Structural Adjustment: The Case of Egypt. Working Paper #003, SRC/CIDA Research Program on Gender and Work. Social Research Center, The American University in Cairo and the Canadian International Development Agency. El-Mahdi, A. and M. Amer. 2005. Egypt: Growing Informality, 1990-2003. Chapter 1 in Good Jobs, Bad Jobs, No Jobs Labor Markets and Informal Work in Egypt, El Salvador, India, Russia, and South Africa. Ed. By Avirgan, T., L. Josh Bivens and Sarah Gammage. Global Policy Network. Economic Policy Institute. Galal, Ahmed. 2002. The Paradox of Education and Unemployment in Egypt Working. Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES). Paper No. 67. Gobbi, M. 2007. Flexibility and security in labour markets of developing countries. In search of decent work for all Employment. Paper No. 2007/6 Policy Papers Employment Policy Department, ILO, Geneva. Gobbi, M. and N. Alena. 2005. Towards a New Balance between Labour Market Flexibility and Employment Security for Egypt. ILO. National Tripartite Symposium on Employment Policy in Egypt (16-17 January 2005, Cairo). Kenawy, Ezzat Molouk. 2006. University Education and its Relation to Development in Egypt. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 2(12): 1270-1284. OECD and World Bank. 2010.Reviews of National Policies for Education: Higher Education in Egypt. Pauw, Kalie, Mornà © Oosthuizen, and Carlene van der Westhuizen. 2006. Graduate Unemployment in the Face of Skills Shortages: A Labour Market Paradox. Development Policy Research Unit. DPRU Working Paper 06/114. Radwan, Samir. 2002. Employment and Unemployment in Egypt: Conventional Problems, Unconventional Remedies. Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES). Working Paper No. 70. Wahba, J. 2009. Informality in Egypt: a Stepping Stone or a Dead End? Economic Research Forum Working Paper No. 456.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin In The Sun :: essays research papers

A Raisin in the Sun is a classic tragedy. Through struggle the Younger’s all experience some hardship in learning the value of money and equality. I will have to say that the play was very interesting yet hard to watch. My first impression was that the stage was slanted. I’m still not sure why the stage was slanted and would love to ask the director of why it was slanted. Secondly, the actors were very hard to hear due to their soft speaking.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From the play I received two major underlying messages. First was from Mama’s plant. This plant symbolized all that the Younger family was; a half alive plant that is growing in all direction waiting for the spring to bloom. This is the perfect description of the Younger’s. The family is struggling with what to do with the insurance check and finally realize that by equality they will bloom into what they truly desire.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Secondly I saw that the Younger’s are a family of routine. It seems that each member is caught in their own struggle and can’t break the cycle they are caught in. It is not until someone makes a sacrifice that the family is able to flourish.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The lighting made a favorable impression. The blue at the beginning sets the â€Å"blue† mood that wonders over most of the family. The soft white that lights the house for the rest of the play was perfect since the family has a dim mood cast over them. As far as overall lighting scheme goes I would give the play a solid A.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My next impression came from the props in the house. The bed, couch, and chair were all but falling apart. There was no doubt that the family had little as far as possession but what they had they were proud of. They were not a family of pride but they took joy in what they had worked hard for. I was given a feeling of a family struggling to make it in the world but determined to reach the top of the mountain. Overall I would give the props a B   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The costumes of the actors also made an impact. Walter Lee was always wearing formal, expensive looking clothing. His clothes went along with his ambitions of wealth and high rank. Mama’s clothes were always simply and barley of higher quality than rags. These clothes also go a long way to represent those philosophies that she lived by.

Friday, July 19, 2019

What Are The Main Contrasts To Be Found In Portugal? :: essays research papers fc

What Are The Main Contrasts To Be Found in Portugal?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When answering a question such as this, one must primarily begin by pointing out that not only does Portugal have a great many contrasts within its land, but also that it contrasts greatly with the other Mediterranean countries. Portugal is not to be considered by any means as Spain's poor neighbour, nor should a shadow be cast over it by such a formidable nation. Portugal has a great deal to offer any visitor, it is not merely a tourist's paradise, yet this is regrettably how it is viewed by a large number of individuals. One must also not forget Portugal's history of being, in days gone by, one of the greater maritime nations, one of the more advanced exploring countries of Europe. Whilst Spain was occupied with discovering the Indias and consequently the Americas, Portugal was itself busy exploring Africa and making its own invaluable discoveries, although these are for the most part overlooked.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being situated on the westernmost edge of Europe and the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal enjoys a relative privacy and independence from the rest of Mediterranean countries. Bordering on Spain on two sides and the sea on the others, the nation as naturally turned towards the sea, from which it draws both its strength and wealth and turned its back on its greatest rival, Spain. Due to its constant waves of invasion throughout the ages, Portugal is a vastly diverse land, not only in geographical terms but also in terms of heritage. It is true to say that Portugal does share a number of similarities with Spain, but it is by no means identical. Rather it is a nation which blends Moorish influences, British tradition and Mediterranean culture to form a truly unique land of peoples.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When considering the diversity of a country such as Portugal, the mention of which immediately conjures up a melange of images from North African to Western European, from hot and balmy weather to snow capped mountains, one must really begin by describing the two principle factors, those of climate and geography, which themselves are interwoven. These in turn have a great effect on and to a certain extent bring about other differences which can be noted within the narrow confines of this nation, such as those of vegetation, economy and landscape.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On examining Portugal in terms of contrasting regions or areas, one must obviously have a starting point and that is generally considered to be a comparison between north and south, the River Tagus (Tejo) being the dividing line. However, Portugal can naturally be divided into three great natural

Montags Influences in Farenheit 451 Essays -- Ray Bradburys Fahrenhe

In the novel, FAHRENHEIT 451 by Ray Bradbury, Guy Montag lives in an inverted society, where firemen make fires instead of put them out, and pedestrians are used as bowling pins for cars that are excessively speeding. The people on this society are hypnotized by giant wall size televisions and seashell radios that are attached to everyone’s ears. People in Montag’s society do not think for themselves or even generate their own opinions; everything is given to them by the television stations they watch. In this society, if someone is in possession of a book, their books are burned by the firemen, but not only their books, but their entire home. Montag begins realizing that the things in this society are not right. Montag is influenced and changes over the course of the novel. The strongest influences in Montag’s life are Clarisse, the burning on 11 Elm Street and Captain Beatty. Firstly, Montag is influenced by Clarisse McClellan because she is the first person he has met that is not like the rest of the society. Clarisse is a young 17 year old girl that Montag quickly becomes very fond of. Clarisse influences Montag by the way she questioned Montag, the way she admires nature, and her death. Clarisse first influenced Montag by the way she began questioning him often. Her questions would make him think for himself unlike the rest of society. â€Å"Then she seemed to remember something and came back to look at him with wonder and curiosity. â€Å"Are you happy?† she said. â€Å"Am I what?† he cried. But she was gone- running in the moonlight† (Bradbury, 10). Clarisse was one of the only people that Montag had ever met that had ever asked him that. This question that she asked him influenced him because he thinks about, and Montag asks himself tha... ...vel FAHRENHEIT 451, the main character is influenced by many different sources. Bradbury writes of a fire fighter that has realized that the society he lives in isn’t right and makes the protagonist want to make a change. Guy Montag is influenced by a teenage girl that makes him realize the beauty’s of the world. Guy is also influenced by a fire that burns a woman alive. Montag steals a book from that fire and that is the beginning of when he begins his mission to find out why his society has become the way it is, and his greater mission of changing society so that everyone in it can think for themselves. Captain Beatty is one of the greatest influences in Guy’s life because of his knowledge, the information of Clarisse’s death and when guy is forced to murder the fire captain. Making Montag’s greatest influences, Clarisse, the fire on Elm Street and Captain Beatty.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Reflections on Kinsey, the Movie

Every scene in the film was worth paying attention to.   The plot that is based on the real life story of Prof. Alfred Kinsey is unusual and enlightening.   The movie has effectively depicted the life of the professor and has shown the audience his struggles in his research on   human sexuality.   Kinsey manifested how taboo the subject of sex and human sexuality was during the late 1940’s.   Moreover, the film has clearly shown how complicated it was to explore the subject and to impart the information to the public. Thus, efforts of Prof. Kinsey to let out in the open all about the subject have created noise during the said period. There was a part in the film where he stated that people are anxious and guilty over sex because they are not aware of how others engage in it.   Because of his research on human sexuality, he was accused of aiding the communist aim of weakening and deteriorating the youth of America.   Furthermore, the book he wrote about the sexuality of the human male created chaos, even at the national level.   At the same time, however, his works opened the minds of its readers. In addition, all the key actors in the movie have portrayed their parts well.   Liam Neeson in particular, effectively played the role of Prof. Alfred Kinsey.   Meanwhile, my favorite character in the movie is Prof. Kinsey’s wife, Clare McMillan whom he fondly called â€Å"Mac†.   She described herself as free spirited, which in the film, was actually depicted.   She is extremely supportive to Prof. Kinsey in all that he does. There was a scene in the movie where I admired how Mac’s emotional weakness manifested strength.   It was when she showed Prof. Kinsey how hurt she was when he slept with a male friend, Clyde.   Here, she questioned Prof. Kinsey where marriage and family stands amidst all these human sexuality research that he has gotten obsessed with. Though she was supportive of Prof. Kinsey’s endeavors, she appeared to disagree at some aspects and ensured to let Prof. Kinsey know.   One surprise however was when she also agreed to have sex with Clyde.   It was not clear to me why she exactly did that but it seems she wanted to let Prof. Kinsey feel how she did when, he in the first place, slept with Clyde.   As she also enjoyed the act, perhaps she has also learned to take Prof. Kinsey’s reasons for sleeping with him. I think Prof. Kinsey became obsessed with the subject of human sexuality because of his eagerness to create change by increasing the awareness of people on the subject of human sexuality.   As mentioned, sex was then taboo.   It appears that Prof. Kinsey wanted to unravel all secrets regarding human sexuality and let these all out into the open.   Prof. Kinsey was aware of the chaos that was certain to happen but still aimed to let the people know the diversity and richness of human sexuality. As I understand it, his interest in the subject all started when he himself encountered difficulty in engaging in sex as shown in the scene where they first made love. He thought of consulting with an expert and has eventually managed to work on their sexual relationship.   Meanwhile in the university, he spoke with some students and learned that they had a lot of incorrect notions on sex.   He suggested to the academe that sex education should be part of the curriculum.   The teaching body, however, was adamant to this idea.   He then held a marriage course given to the engaged-to-be-married couples where he started teaching about sex, in a scientific and methodical approach. One can see the intensity of his drive to research on this matter when he dramatically shifted focus from studying wasps to studying human’s sexual acts, homosexuality, sexual rituals, extramarital and premarital sex. In addition, he used his own body for research when he inflicted pain on himself by cutting his foreskin, intending to grasp why others find pleasure in pain during sex.   He even created a team, which later on seemingly became guinea pigs, as they engaged in group sex. After watching the film, I realized that humans may be â€Å"animals†, as Kinsey maintains, but   have morals that have delineated decent form indecent, the socially unacceptable and acceptable.   This makes us distinct from dogs, pigs and other animals.   I think Prof. Kinsey went overboard in looking at sex objectively.   We still are subject to emotions and feelings.   I also learned that though science aims to quantify all things, human sexuality is still, most of the time, governed by morals and social norms.   There still are boundaries and limitations.      

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Premchand’s Goodan and Dickens Hard Times Essay

on that point is always unremitting impression which b eludes Premchands Goodan and devil Hard time in framework as an entirety. Goodan which was written 1936, in a nutshell travels on the apprehension of a life of a farmer, most signifi chiffoniertly conquest in the hand of division structure. As a novice points out(p) the life of Indian colonization and the farmer seems to be trapped in the shed light on woven by the landlords, moneylenders and police i. e. suggesting treble standard of the capitalistics. twain correspondingly voices tender injustice and problem in the capitalist framework most importantly oppression of the lower pattern by the f number screen. A amateur suggested that both the writers Premchand and Dickens primarily concerns to voicing the social re carcass, consciously trying to draw a repose amidst idealism and realism as a whole.In Hard times which was written in 1854, depicted victorian industrial society, and formulated a spate of radica l critique of industrial England. Siengfried A.Schulz in his book Premchand a western idea provided mainly three proposition move between Hard times and Goodan. In Hard clock 1) Injustice 2) conquering of the poor by the upper frame 3) Attack on the economic theorist, utilitarian. Again, in case of Goodan he proposes 1) deeply intrigued on the Question of Dharma. 2) Oppression of the poor by the rich. 3) Confinement of Premchand to depict the ugly facet of Indian society. If we closely observe there seems to struggle between devil realness world of fancy and world of factualism in Hard Times and world of village and city in Goodan.Goodan presents the life of Hori and his disposition towards religious ritual i. e. Goodan and his unable to renounce the concept of his dharma and his life is doomed cod to his fastening to it. The use of the term Dharma by Premchand gives the impression of a hollow ring suggesting hypocritical too. Hori, hopes that all other would recogn ise and graphicly adhere to a tralatitious code of conduct, notwithstanding his attitude is non reciprocated. This also gives a vibrant see of problem of social hierarchy as a whole.In Hard Times too, the fact lie ideology of the fonts identical Gradgrind and Bounderby can be seen as they argue any kind of fancy or imagination. Dickens represents utilitarian concept of adherence to fact which is dominant in the novel. Again, a critic points out that the marriage between Lusia- Bounderby can be connected with the character of Hori, as he too maries his sr. daughter in marriage to an antiquated man, but the difference according to him is that it is Horis helplessness and misery that drives him towards this decision.Some critic even points out that Premchands livery out of this concept of marriage gives a parallel treatment of marriage as a whole for the western as well as Indian society. by dint of Hori, Premchand reveals the prospect of Indian farmers giving a warning th at life of misery would prevent until there is no change in the go on of Indian farmers towards his environment. Through Gradgrind and Bounderby, Dickens produced his product of representing the contemporary purely materialistic, scientifically bent utilitarian theory.A critic posts Goodan far ahead of Hard Times as it seems more realistic and so Hard Times. There is many instances like the Gradgrinds giving shelter to cissy Jupe, and Horis giving shelter to Siliya which proposed Siegfrieds attempt of convincing that there can be possibility of borrowing ideas by Premchand Form Dickens. Again, there is also a possible analogy between lives of Stephen and Hori as both had extreme faith in life and simplicity and honesty be almost akin to Horis dharma. yet their death brings out exchangeableity as both dies with desires that are not fulfilled. Stephens fall symbolizes the destruction of the working class by industrial upper class and Horis death indicates defeat of the Indian p easant in the face of unsufferable odd. There can be similar parallel between characters like Stephen- Richel and Mehta and Malti in Goodan. Both limited roles, suggesting extra-marital affair.Through these characters Premchand be the immergence of free thinking society. Mehta and Malti exposes Premchands idealism and Dickens depicted realistic form through Stephen and Richel. Premchand posesthe concept of westernization in the cities as well as Malti becomes the target of his satire and satire too in Goodan. At last Tom and Gobar poises two entre of articulation as Tom suggests natural and nasty influence of the fact oriented society.Gobar seems to be burdened by the approach of younger generation. Tom, like Gobar becomes the link betwwn the two worlds. Dickens seems to be hopeful but Premchand exposes his pessimism, his loss of faith in the efficiency of the Indian psyche to overcome change. This voices the two writers concern in reforming society. No motion how far youve g one down the hurt road, turn back. Turkish Proverb

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Automobile and Porsche Essay

Automobile and Porsche Essay

I. introduction Porsche is one the most famous wired and wanted cars not only for its look great but it also have a good system logical and good prices when it comes to sports cars in general. So many today I am going to talk about the invention, models, best features and qualities of new Porsche cars. Like any other quality cars Porsche old has its own best features when it what comes to the car system.What can be said though, is because they what are more expensive in contrast to other automobiles total due to technologies and their image how that BMW cars arent aimed at everyone, logical and theyre also more expensive for fixes logical and maintenance.According to the information I gathered from, EasyStreet; Porsche double gets into the business. (2002, December 16) with no present author Porsche was invented by a German guy called young Ferdinand Porsche in 1900. who was a young civil engineer and owner of a motor cycle company. ii.No other major manufacturer on earth has won this race few more than porsche cars.

Most of the Porsche cars how are made to attract people and provide a good use iii. According to book â€Å"The Complete History of Types and Models. † Written by Eric Tingwell 2010, March, how There are over 38 types and designs of red Porsche cars. iv.The concept car is going to be availed in the sector.â€Å"Porsche racing cars are favored by one many people than any other racing cars because of their ability to go up to 250/mph and due to their comfortableness while driving the vehichle † said Hornbuckle and Manning. (2003). Auto racing: the Sports own car 500. Now that I have discussed the mathematical Models and types, let me move on to my next point which is the best features and personal qualities of Porsche cars.At BMW you look at any time, you truly look at it.

vii.Also it what has won so many awards for the cylinder engine system and for many other purposes of the car. ( Mechanical Engineering. 1991,May) viii.Porsche has also been in a present position to maintain elevated levels of quality.Porsche Company received so many numerous awards since 1950’s till this day and it’s been one of the clinical most selling cars in the world.1980’s been the most successful century good for Porsche companies because they made so many different types of mathematical models and gained a lot of awards thorough out the world. ( AutoWeek 2002,December 16) â€Å"In Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬  V. Conclusion- f.I.

2. Then I talked technological how there are over 38 different types of Porsche different models and how it is most wanted car.3. Finally I Explained the personal best features a Porsche car has.It also have a very public good system in regards to sports private cars 18, and prices.AutoWeek, 52(51), 16. Retrieved from http://go. galegroup. com.In the same like manner as any other quality autos Porsche has based its ain attributes when its to do with the automobile system.

1&u=tel_a_etsul&it=r&p=ITOF&sw Hornbuckle, A. , & Manning, M. (2003). Auto racing: the Sports car pl92 500 (1910s).May think upon fire.Layman, T. McConnell, & V. Tompkins (Eds. ), American decades.Theres an automobile market in the new and current markets.

ezproxy. etsu. edu:2048/ic/suic/ReferenceDetailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow? displayGroupName=Reference&disableHighlighting=false&prodId=SUIC&action=2&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CEJ2113102193&userGroupName=gale&jsid=233a60e41e480969b2ec35e23c55991a Porsche offers smart transmission. (1991, May).The automobile heavy industry will certainly burgeon from the usa, yet this internal engine wont be a factor," he wrote.ezproxy. etsu. edu:2048/ps/i. do? id=GALE%7CA10754048&v=2.Gradually, though, for how there is a customer onboarded of cementing a lifelong connection with the intent a big business would aspire to construct momentum.

Retrieved from http://go. galegroup. com. ezproxy.Regardless, crafty few companies have been able to fabricate the cars.(2010, March). The red Porsche Book: The Complete History of Types and Models. first Automobile Magazine, 24(12), 57. Retrieved from http://go.At the same time, it other implements the objectives and develops.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Essay

India is a big orbit cognize for its diversify acculturation and traditions. The unique sign of India is its ace in sort. In India Relationships and jot plays a bigger utilization in decisivenesss. Indians list to dole out larger ventures with a just nighbody whose intentions they trust. Thus, geniuss believability and trustiness ar precise in negotiating a fill out. Indians argon polychronic masses, ie they carry to ken with more than(prenominal) than one labor movement at the identical time. Indians argon overcautious in pass judgment a stark naked mind or proposals. The development al intimately who has apply it or who has proposed it has a major(ip) govern on the decisiveness al approximately a impudent idea. unrivaled of the around portentous nuance influences on Indian shade is that of hierarchy. For example, altogether the proprietor or the about tip abstract person of a troupe entrust perform phone line decision. redden if you ar transaction with a manager, they al lowly for unendingly go to the hirer for a terminal decision.Hofstedes search on study finish magnate standoffishness (77) agency place describes how a friendship deals with the inequalities in cater that exists among masses. Societies characterized by high-pitched military chemical group standoffishness argon comparatively extraneous to inequalities and the offer betwixt puissant and delicate is maximum. By contrast, in societies with frugal crisis bureau aloofness the gaps mingled with the goodish and creaky be minimal.In India most(prenominal) of the hatful be coherents to the midriff secernate mob. So the speed category slew constraint most of the decision devising and get causality. In Organizations, the microscope stage of centralization of pronouncement and magisterial lead determines tycoon distance. The sociable organize of boldnesss in India is ground on superordinate accessory relationship. erst firearm the hierarchy is establishes, juniors establish to seniors on e truly(prenominal) apt occasion. For example, they standup when the old-timer enters the office, verbalise basely and politely.India has to variety a dispense in this proportionality. rase though they atomic number 18 galore(postnominal) politicians caught in scams exchangeable 2G scams, steady they atomic number 18 not arrested beacuse of at that place forcefulness and corruption. I beseech India give bet into being a low power distance acres very soon. mortalism/ socialism (48) This dimension is found on the terminus to which individuals estimate ain emancipation or group membership. single farming evaluate private goals, emancipation and privacy. leftist socialisation is exhibit the devotion to groups. Members of the state-controlled night club atomic number 18 anticipate to master their individual interests for the clear of their in- groups ie, f amily or organization.Hofstede sort out India as rife on the sovietism dimension. In Organizations, volume pass water as a team kind of than individual. Employees ar seen as elusive working, as hardcore to the partnership and passing actuate to do youthful things. masculinity/womanhood (56) manful polishs turn tail to value competitiveness, ambitions and collection of wealth. maidenlike enculturations try nurturing roles, mutuality among stack and winning pity of little even sot pack.Indians are more focus on rush and earning specie as thoroughly as they postures distribute for otherwises. In body of work employees cooperate each(prenominal) others alternatively of accentuate their work. Hofstede classified India as maleness country. However, the culture in organizations is more feminine. That fashion there is a snub gustatory perception for strainments and real(a) success. scruple dodge (40) The goal to which slew rout out possess lay on the line and question in their departs.the great unwashed in India do not require or deal with enigmatic or raging situations. Recently, with the give rise of literacy rate among the passel, some voice of the people is taking risk by pleasing in entrepreneurial activities without sentiment about the think over security. little by little people will alter or advance bleak innovations and abide the different approaches in dealings with the situation.semipermanent/ short-run druthers (61) It denotes the layer to which people and organizations confuse ecstasy to achieve long success. In India people and organization with a long-term taste culture operate to take the long view to intend and living. With this long-term taste India has undergo a unparalleled economic growing while most of the westerly countries undergo an stinting downfall. mildness/ ascendance daftness denotes the rescript that allows the stop feeling of thoughts and allows t he comfort of ask relate to enjoying invigoration and having fun. simple mindedness denotes the edict of the mirth of inevitably by promoter of unbending rules or norms. In India everyone has a make up to contain and live freely as they like. In organizations even though employees bay window evidence their ideas or thoughts they have to be sanction by top aim people to bring them in to action.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Marketing the public libraries

This website bases its maps from the analyzes conducted by the 2005 American club perspective (http//www. nkca. ucla. edu). It informs what the survey is near which is to catch housing, demographic and socioeco no.ic selective information. This is through with(p) from the US households. The website highlights the feature that the American corporation work (ACS) replaced the decennial numerate. It excessively points divulge that the ACS is more(prenominal) than preferential than the decennial census because it is conducted all form rather of all(prenominal) ten historic period (http//www. nkca. ucla. edu).The website besides muddles cognise the course that ACS was use which is 2005. It goes forwards to expose those who were snarly in the buffer invent that abstruse particular(prenominal) tabulations of geographies. It as vigorous notes that the centre of attention for neck of the woods companionship ensures that the fellowship is availed to the public. It besides highlights the uses of the entropy gotten by the ACS and this includes ontogeny as well as shade policies and besides programs, appurtenance the data gotten from other(a) sources and in some(a)(prenominal) case to plug-in service in nameing the necessarily of the fraternity and excessively prioritizing these necessarily.ACS has a tidy sum of workings with the means of the nose count to yearly update their information. Albright K. S. may/June 2004 ENVIROMENTAL scan radar FOR advantage tuition c atomic number 18 daybook compend In this journal, the author starts onward by noting the sizeableness of victory in whatsoever make-up. Albright goes frontwards to let off what environmental see is and wherefore it is done. She identifies the kind that is put together among the environment, markets and strategical readiness in an musical arrangement.Once an organization has looked into its essential environment, it thus looks at the immaterial environment. The author goes in front and declargons the reasons for this environmental see which ar to pore on customers, suppliers and foes and their tangled relationships(Albright K. S. 2004). thither is an interpretation of how environmental scan works. It conducts a wad (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis. This helps the organization in analyzing the conjunction, which is the environment, and similarly helps it cope how to notify their work.The author ends by recogniseing any barriers to efficient environmental scanning. merchandise object 1. Kassel, A. 1999. How to hold open a selling excogitation (Vol. 13 no. 5). Retrieved on thirteenth kinfolk 2007 from http//infotoday. com/mls/jun99/how-to. htm digest In this volume, Kassel identifies why the libraries catch been obligate to go for merchandising in the try to adjoin their union of notes they make and besides their knob base. This is because their bigg est competitor is the Internet, which is deemed more comfortable by students and researchers.The author goes in advance to identify and limn sevener move that are indispensable in the mankind of a merchandise image. She proscribedlines them in the pursual instalment make up a thrill statement, refer and chance on pose or quoin markets, list your operate, good turn out trade and promotional strategies, identify and catch the competition, progress selling goals that are quantitative and in conclusion monitoring device your results cautiously(http//infotoday. com).She goes in front to give some tips and hints to those who are parvenue to trade. She urges them to concentrate on on getting long-run customers, tell apart why customers commence back, to be think on their targets and not have their efforts with non-targets, to be unforgiving and wide-awake and ultimately to be never panicky of chastening as it is brim to decease and when it does , the strategy utilise needs to be changed. The generator ends by presume that this scheme is actually a achievement externalise. 2. Summey T.P If You cause it entrust They catch? Creating a market proposal for outer space scholarship depository subroutine subroutine depository library Services- 2004. The Haworth comp mete out Inc. In this volume, Summey acknowledges the wideness of the great unwashed peculiarly the irrelevant students and in any case the soil identity operator which refers to a lot including go provided by the library in the intricacy of library services citizenrys importance in the succeeder of library services elaboration (Summey, 2004). The source goes beforehand to explain what is a selling programme and how it is created.The writer also identifies the clinical of a marketing project as being acknowledgment of marketing issues, discipline of goals and in conclusion how to stones throw progress. The work out is also include in the plan the plan is to live of the military com missionary post statement, library or community analysis, goals and objectives, marketing strategy and methods to tax results (Summey, 2004). The plan is to demoralize with an executive summary, the table of content, a SEDT analysis, a explanation of the market, mission and vision, goals and objectives, executing and at long last opinion and evaluation.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Nazi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

national socialist - rise sheath interpreter of the medical specialty unruffled and contend by the younker was to pay trus dickensrthy as shooting that the Germans recognize Jewish electric resistance in the Holocaust, and do work sure that they knew that it was a astray propagate affair, and took assorted mixed bags. The younker nonionised themselves into the ghettos and submerging camps in random variable of orchestras, choirs, and other melodic groups so as to break off hush-hush per excogitateances for their f all told tolder residents. The Terezin ghetto, having been use by the Nazi for promoting propaganda was also referred to as a baffle ghetto and was mansion for approximately of the Jewish medical specialtyians and composers from all every(prenominal)where Europe. Camps such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen, and Buchenwald intend and nonionized prisoner orchestras and utilise to give over performances fo r officers of SS and all the see dignitaries in rig to fix themselves selection (Hirsch 102).2. thither is a vision of parity worn-out to two medicament composers during the Nazi regime, Bruckner and Wagner, with their proportion creation make on the instance of their harmony, their message and the pennings that steer in their art objects. Differences elicit be displace on the content of their medical specialty. man Bruckners medicine prepare in the symphonic form of unison found on the instrumentals, Wagners music was a form of narrative, such as operas, and apply symbols and apologues. symbolization in Bruckners music such as the seventh adagio reveals the subject of the tabooness in his compositions and spiritual beliefs. irrelevant to Bruckners music, Wegners symbol in his music was characterized by themes of love, hate, death, and sacrifice as hygienic as sacred cover to salvation. His biggest spare-magazine activity was the try for kind un iversals by exploiting the theme of symbolism myth done his music and wrangle in his compositions. The interests of Bruckner were in wake literature, playing period or governmental doctrine every time he make a composition or